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ASAP! Grassroots Action Project to Stop Mass Immigration

Stabilize U.S. Population - Protect the Environment - Immigration Moratorium ASAP! Alliance for Stabilizing America's Population

At 283 million, the population of the United States continues to grow by approximately 3 million per year (58,000 per week) with 70% of our growth in the 90's due to immigration. U.S. population will likely exceed 500 million by 2050 if mass immigration continues. To stabilize our population and ensure the permanent protection of our environment, we must reduce immigration to a level that allows U.S. population to stabilize.

Join our national network of activists participating in this Action Project designed to help push for an immigration moratorium. Finally, this is your golden opportunity to translate the momentum we've gained into significant political pressure for population stabilization for the United States.

Here is how you can help make a big difference:

1.) The ASAP! Coalition Action has links to a pair of resolutions for organizations and a pair for individuals. Each pair contains one resolution calling for an immigration moratorium (for legal immigration), and another to create a powerful incentive to reduce illegal immigration by stopping the job magnet.

2.) Push any local, regional, or state governing authority (county board of commissioners, city council, etc. ...) to approve the Immigration Moratorium Resolution for Organizations. Even though only the U.S. Congress has the legal authority to reduce immigration, having local authorities pass these resolutions is immensely important. Members of the U.S. Congress and the Bush-Cheney administration must listen hard to their constituents and local officials - thus, these resolutions can make a BIG difference. Once the Resolution is approved, make sure that the Resolution is sent to the officials listed at the bottom, send a copy to BALANCE, and we will gladly deliver it to your representative and share your progress with other activists.

3.) Push the same governing authority (county board of commissioners, city council, etc. ...) to approve the Illegal Immigration Resolution for Organizations, that would bar the counties, cities, etc. ... from doing business with companies that hire illegal immigrants. Once the Resolution is approved, make sure that the Resolution is sent to the officials listed at the bottom, send a copy to BALANCE, and we will gladly deliver it to your representative and share your progress with other activists.

4.) We also encourage you to get civic organizations (e.g., veterans' organizations, clubs, etc. ...) to endorse these Resolutions. Make as many copies of the Resolutions as you wish, and, as always, please call BALANCE with any questions you may have - we will help you any way we can!

5.) Sign your own copies of the Immigration Moratorium Resolution for Individuals and the Illegal Immigration Resolution for Individuals. Make as many copies of the Resolutions for individuals as you like, and when people have signed them, send copies to BALANCE, which will deliver them to your representatives.

BALANCE will be happy to provide additional materials for those who need more background information about U.S. population growth, the environment, and immigration. Simply let us know by calling 1-800-866-6269, and we will gladly send it to you.

The Resolution web pages (not this one) are designed for printing on one printed page each. If it happens that they take more than one page on the computer and printer available to you, or if it is more convenient for you, BALANCE will be glad to send you printed copies.

As you know, Population-Environment Balance (BALANCE) uses many of its resources to prepare materials and functions that work toward an immigration moratorium and U.S. population stabilization.

Any contribution that you can make to BALANCE will help us a great deal. Thank you.

Population-Environment Balance
P O Box 268, San Francisco, CA 94104-0268

home: www.balance.org
ASAP! Coalition Action